Beauty & Wellness

Dealing With Monsoon Related Acne
The monsoon season is undeniably extremely enchanting, with its overcast skies, growling dark clouds, sudden blazes of lightning and the soothing, melodious
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Importance of following a Good Monsoon Skincare Routine
As the raindrops fall gently, an enchanting melody fills the air, evoking memories, nostalgia, and sheer, unbridled joy. Each raindrop carries a unique story, painting the world with
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The impact of pollution on your skin.

Uff, pollution! It’s like that annoying little cousin who won’t go away, isn’t it? But unlike that pesky  relative, pollution can actually harm your skin. Yes, you heard that right. Your skin is the largest organ in  your body,

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The impact of stress on your skin and how to manage it

Stress is an inevitable part of life. Whether it’s due to work, monetary, relationships or personal issues,  getting stressed at one point or another of our lives is absolutely inevitable. While we usually relate stress in the way it

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5 main benefits of retinol
<style>#html-body [data-pb-style=HC78EE1]{justify-content:flex-start;display:flex;flex-direction:column;background-position:left top;background-size:cover;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-attachment:scroll}</style><div data-content-type="row" data-appearance="contained" data-element="main"><div data-enable-parallax="0" data-parallax-speed="0.5" data-background-images="{}" data-background-type="image" data-video-loop="true" data-video-play-only-visible="true" data-video-lazy-load="true" data-video-fallback-src="" data-element="inner" data-pb-style="HC78EE1"><div data-content-type="text" data-appearance="default" data-element="main"><p id="DHEQC8D">We all know and have heard about the magical product, which is a must, must-have in your skincare regime. Yes! That one which is, said in soft revered tones by the skin care bigwigs. Retinol. The debate around this word is a superheated one. Where ‘team retinoids’ have deemed it to be the next best thing after sliced cheese, we also have some people who don’t vouch for it. But my dear, haters gonna hate! We for one are all for it. Science and technology have given their verdict, Retinoids are as safe as can be. There is no study to contradict this stance. Retinoids are an encapsulated word for all retinol products. It’s the powerhouse, of the skin care field. Retinol has gained raging popularity in the past couple of decades, among the masses. Earlier it was a prescription-only topical cream used under the advisement of dermatologists. Retinol was discovered in the year 1909 and was first produced in the year 1947. It is on the WHOs (World Health Organization) list of essential medicines. The skin transformative properties of the use of retinol are phenomenal. Its wonders, in your skincare regime, surpass all the skin care products collectively. Let us go through some of its amazing healing and beautifying attributes in detail.</p></div></div></div>
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