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No More Pimples, Your Daily and Weekly Guide for Acne Free Skin

No More Pimples, Your Daily and Weekly Guide for Acne Free Skin

Those infuriating, tiny little bumps, always seem to make an appearance at the most inconvenient times.  They are like those uninvited guests at a party, that you never know when they’ll arrive, but when they do, they sure know how to ruin your day, by being a party pooper. Pimples are the ultimate nuisance,  constantly popping up when we least expect them and causing all sorts of chaos. From ruining an important interview to spoiling your mood before a much-awaited party to making us feel self-conscious in public, there’s no doubt that pimples are like prickly, painful thorns on our side. But why do they have to be so persistent? It’s like they have a mind of their own, showing up whenever they please and never wanting to leave. It's enough to make you want to scream! So, let's delve into the world of pimples and explore why they're such a nuisance. 

To figure out an efficient way to deal with them, one must know the reasons, why they occur.  

Acne occurs when our hair follicles clog up with various things like oil, grime, and dead skin cells,  resulting in the formation of a plug. This plug creates a perfect breeding ground for bacteria, which can cause inflammation, redness, and swelling.

There are many components that can lead to the development of zits and pimples. Hormones are a  major culprit, especially during puberty when the body undergoes significant hormonal changes.  Sebaceous glands, which produce a natural oil that is essential to lubricate our skin, become highly active during this time, leading to the overproduction of oil that can clog up our pores. Genetics too plays a crucial role, as some individuals are more prone to developing zits than others, due to their skin type. Environmental factors can also trigger pimples, such as exposure to pollution, stress, and certain medications. Poor hygiene practices, such as not washing your face regularly or using dirty makeup brushes, can also contribute to the development of pimples. 

So after reading the multiple reasons behind the appearance of those tiny bumps, now let’s proceed to ways on how to get rid of them, for good. Here are some skin care tips that are absolutely non-negotiable in your daily skincare routine.  

  • Cleansing

The first and foremost step in taking care of your oily skin has to be cleansing. Just as you don’t paint over a dirty canvas, it’s just not advisable to slather on any skin care products over unclean, bacteria-covered skin. Oh yes! Bacteria-covered skin. The pores of an oily skin type are highly susceptible to getting clogged with dead surface cells, excess sebum, and various impurities; making it a bacterial playing field. Using a good natural face cleanser helps leech out excess oil, dirt, and bacteria from the skin’s surface, preventing breakouts and keeping the skin clear and healthy. Skipping this step is just not a good idea. 

Our recommendation: Jovees Tea Tree Face Wash, Jovees Neem Face Wash

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  • Toning

Toning is not a luxury nor an option for those who want a flawlessly, smooth complexion; it is super essential for acne-prone skin. Toning is one of the most powerful steps in your acne-prone skin care routine. It helps to balance the pH levels of your skin, remove all the remnants of impurities, and prep your skin, for the next few steps of skin care. Using a good natural skin toner can be a real game changer in your skin care regimen. Using a gentle and natural skin toner can help reduce the size of your pores, curb excess sebum production and it can also help calm agitated and inflamed skin. Basically, it is the thing you need to go from dull to dazzling, in a dash.  

Our recommendation: Jovees Tea Tree Face Toner, Jovees Neem Face Toner 

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  • Moisturizing

Moisturizing is like giving your parched skin a drink of water, but did you know that it can also help combat acne-prone skin? While it may sound counterintuitive to put more lotion, on already greasy skin, did you know, keeping your skin hydrated can regulate the excess sebum produced and also reduce breakouts? When dehydrated, our skin overcompensates by producing more than normal amounts of sebum to make up for the absence of moisture. Eventually resulting in clogged pores that lead to zits, blackheads, and whiteheads. Using a good natural moisturizer infuses instant hydration into your skin without exacerbating the problem, leaving your dull and dehydrated-looking skin, plump,  healthy, and happy.  

Our recommendation: Jovees Anti Acne Cream, Jovees Aloe Vera Moisturizing Lotion 

While these are the basic steps you need to inculcate into your everyday skincare routine, here are a  couple of steps that are super important to be included at least once a week. 

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  • Exfoliating 

Exfoliating your skin at least once a week, is another extremely pivotal action, in any kind of skin care routine. Especially for people who have an oily type of skin along with all its various related skin issues.  By shedding away the dead surface cells and opening up your clogged pores, exfoliation helps your skin by reducing breakouts and keeping your complexion looking fresh and radiant. Exfoliating is not only a  therapeutic massage for your face, it also boosts blood circulation and encourages a quicker cell turnover, which in turn reduces the appearance of blemishes and acne scars. Plus, exfoliating can help your other skin care products to penetrate more deeply and work more effectively. 

Our recommendation: Jovees Jojoba and Neem Scrub, Jovees Activated Charcoal Exfoliator

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  • Face Masks  

Face masks are a great tool for managing acne. Adding a natural face mask to your weekly skin care regimen can help to calm aggravated skin and also reduce redness. Natural face masks contain ingredients like Green Tea, Neem, Aloe Vera, or Chamomile, which are loaded with anti-inflammatory properties. If you have oily skin, look for a Clay mask or a mask with Activated Charcoal. Who knew that something so simple could be so beneficial? 

Our recommendation: Jovees Activated Charcoal Detoxifying Face Masque, Jovees Tea Tree and Clove Anti Acne Face Pack

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To prevent pimples, it's important to practice good skin hygiene by cleansing your face regularly, refraining from touching your face with unclean hands, and using natural skin care products. Remember,  acne may falter your self-confidence, but breakouts cannot break you. Let’s just deal with them and move on!

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