Thankfully, Acne does not pose any serious threat to our well being, but it is definitely not painless, be it physically or emotionally. It is scarring, literally and figuratively. Acne, be it in any form, mild to severe can hit your confidence and self esteem. Being dismissive to somebody suffering from the same and commenting, ‘come on, it’s just pimples’ can be quite damaging to their self worth. The emotional distress over having acute acne can even push some people into depression and anxiety. People often seem to consider only the pimples on our faces as acne; but acne can be commonly found covering your neck, shoulders, back, chest and more obviously your face. 


Why do we get acne? 

We all know, that our skin is made up of tiny little holes, called pores. These pores are the surface openings on the skin to the canal, which is known as a hair follicle. Each of those minute follicles contain a strand of hair as well as an oil gland, also known as the sebaceous gland. Acne vulgaris, more commonly known as acne, is a condition which occurs when sebum (the oil secreted by the sebaceous gland), bacteria and dead skin cells clog the hair follicles. These clogged up pores, result in acne, which is also known to be called, zits or pimples. 


Types of acne 

• Blackheads- When the trapped sebum from the open pores on your skin is exposed to oxygen, it oxidizes. This process of oxidation leads to the darkening of sebum, that creates a dark spot on your skin, known as blackheads. 

• Whiteheads- Whiteheads are similar to blackheads, that are a result of clogged sebum in the hair follicles. The only difference being that the pore remains closed, making whiteheads a bit less aggravated forms of acne. 

• Pustules- Tiny bumps on your skin which are filled with pus or fluid are known as Pustules. They are caused due to blockage of grime and oil in your pores. These may be painful to touch. 

• Papules- The small, elevated bumps on your skin, that is solid to touch and which have proper defined edges are known as Papules. They do not have pus in them. 


Acne skin care routine 

Ok, so we have covered how acne is formed due to trapped oil in your pores. People suffering from acne often believe, that acne prone skin already has excess oil production and it does not require any extra moisturization. Oh no sire! Contrary to this belief, lack of moisturization, pushes your skin to compensate for it, by secreting an excess amount of sebum. Truth be told, even acne prone skin needs moisturization, but one that meets the requirements of their skin. Knowing your skin is key, when selecting that perfect moisturizer. Certain ingredients used in cosmetics and skin care products can be comedogenic (they can block your pores). Knowing your skin, and your skin care products is highly essential, when selecting for your sensitive acne prone skin. Studying the ingredients, and staying sharp by educating yourselves on them, will put you on top of your self care game. 

Jovees Ayurveda anti acne and pimple cream, is a specially crafted formulation which is a result of extensive research in Ayurveda, which helps cure and manage acne. Made using nature’s finest treasures like Long pepper oil, Clove oil, Neem oil, Tea Tree oil, Wintergreen oil, and Beeswax. The natural ingredients in this works like a charm, in getting rid of even the most stubborn acne, and acne marks. Let us tell you how each of these ingredients, are nothing short of little miracle workers in acne treatment. 

Long Pepper- The benefits of using long pepper in acne prone skin care is super important. It not only deep cleanses your skin, but it also helps get rid of the grime, dirt and impurities, clogging up the pores. It has innumerable skin detoxification and purifying properties. 

Clove- The antiseptic and anti-bacterial properties of clove, help kill the acne causing germs, keeping any new breakouts at an arm’s length. 

Neem- Neem has unique anti bacterial properties that aid in destroying the acne causing bacteria. It is highly beneficial in controlling the oil production by the sebaceous glands. Neem is also known for its remarkable anti inflammatory and anti bacterial properties, which help soothe, inflamed and irritated skin. 

Tea Tree- The use of Tea tree in treating acne is a popular choice by dermatologists all over the world. The anti microbial and anti inflammatory properties present in the Tea Tree oil helps reduce the inflammation, redness, itching and swelling on the skin. It is also known to reduce the most stubborn and age old acne scars, leaving you with clear, healthy looking skin. 

Wintergreen- Wintergreen is another favorites in acne prone skin care routine. Recognized for its remarkable ability to treat blemishes and various other skin issues, it is also known to destroy acne causing bacteria. 

Beeswax- Beeswax is a rich source of Vitamin A, and is excellent ingredient when used topically, in dealing with acne. It’s helps boost cell regeneration and is also known to lighten even the most annoying and old acne marks. 

Acne and acne marks can be extremely stubborn to eliminate, and dealing with them can be extremely tricky. Even a single wrong ingredient can trigger a complete landslide in your skin care regime. So stay informed, and choose the right products. With a 3000 year history in Ayurveda, going natural is one of the safest and probably the most sound choices one can make. So, go ahead and moisturize, because hydrated skin, is happy skin!